
BeInternetAwesomeisamultifacetedprogramthatincludesafunandfreeweb-basedgamecalledInterlandandaneducationalcurriculumtoteachkidshow ...,2023年2月7日—ForSaferInternetDay,wetakealookatsomeofthewayswekeepmorepeoplesafeonlinethananyoneelseintheworld.,2023年2月2日—AtGoogle,wearecommittedtomakingtheinternetabetter,saferplaceforeveryone.Webelievemakingtechnologyforeveryonemeans ...,Makingtechnologyfor...

Be Internet Awesome - A Program to Teach Kids ...

Be Internet Awesome is a multifaceted program that includes a fun and free web-based game called Interland and an educational curriculum to teach kids how ...

Creating a safer internet for everyone

2023年2月7日 — For Safer Internet Day, we take a look at some of the ways we keep more people safe online than anyone else in the world.


2023年2月2日 — At Google, we are committed to making the internet a better, safer place for everyone. We believe making technology for everyone means ...

Google Safety Center

Making technology for everyone means protecting everyone who uses it. Explore what Google does to help you stay safe online.

Play Interland

Interland is an adventure-packed online game that puts the key lessons of digital citizenship and safety into hands-on practice. Play your way to being ...

Safer Internet Day

2023年2月7日 — Today is Safer Internet Day. Google Password Manager makes signing into all your online accounts safer by helping you create, securely save ...

Safer Internet Day 2023

2023年2月7日 — Today is Safer Internet Day, a day that aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and current concerns.

Safer Internet Day

Every February, Safer Internet Day is an opportunity for millions of people around the world to raise awareness of children and young people's online safety and ...

今天是網路安全日(Safer Internet...

2020年2月10日 — Google's post. Google ????. Feb 10, 2020????????. ????. 今天是網路安全日(Safer Internet Day),就讓我們花個兩分鐘,檢查一下自己網路帳戶的 ...